100% of your donation to CERF’S COVID-19 Response brings relief
to the front lines of COVID-19, and helps our local churches deliver
lifesaving resources to vulnerable communities


100% of your donation to CERF’S COVID-19 Response brings relief to the front lines of COVID-19, and helps our local churches deliver lifesaving resources to vulnerable communities


The role of the Church in
times of crisis

Every need in the world is an open door to share God’s love. No matter how scary a crisis gets, fear doesn’t have the final say. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” Our hope is built on the perfect love of Jesus Christ, that’s why, as a Church family, we should be responding to global emergencies, such as the COVID-19 crisis, not by hiding in fear, but by serving the most vulnerable people. The Christian Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) positions the Church as first responders to their local communities in times of crisis. Churches simply need to make themselves available and engage as resource, infrastructure and distribution partners.

The role of the Church in
times of crisis

Every need in the world is an open door to share God’s love. No matter how scary a crisis gets, fear doesn’t have the final say. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” Our hope is built on the perfect love of Jesus Christ, that’s why, as a Church family, we should be responding to global emergencies, such as the COVID-19 crisis, not by hiding in fear, but by serving the most vulnerable people. The Christian Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) positions the Church as first responders to their local communities in times of crisis. Churches simply need to make themselves available and engage as resource, infrastructure and distribution partners.

The world faces an
unprecedented hunger
crisis amid the COVID-19

Your support is more important than ever as we innovate new solutions where existing ones no longer fit. Visualise your Church in action by watching this example of a CERF partner Church.

The world faces an
unprecedented hunger
crisis amid the COVID-19

Your support is more important than ever as we innovate new solutions where existing ones no longer fit. Visualise your Church in action by watching this example of a CERF partner Church.

You belong here

CERF has united churches to reinvent how our society comes together in times of global crisis. This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and determined people—like you—from REDEMPTION AND PACKING PARTNERS TO SUPPORT PARTNERS, who together, are proving how unstoppable we are when we all work together and make Jesus the HERO.

You belong here

CERF has united churches to reinvent how our society comes together in times of global crisis. This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and determined people—like you—from REDEMPTION AND PACKING PARTNERS TO SUPPORT PARTNERS, who together, are proving how unstoppable we are when we all work together and make Jesus the HERO.

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